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📣 刷屏


  • 刷指向有害网站的链接
  • 反复的自我推销

!!! warning 多次违规将处以适度时间的禁言:1-3天,1周,1个月

!!! danger Permanent mute if this is repeated, if other Harassment present, a ban may be more suitable


  • 宣传自己的频道、服务器
  • Don't stop people from talking about creators they like or playing on hypixel or something like that, but if they just aren't stopping, proceed below
  • Only limit self-advertising if it's excessive and only exists for the purpose of advertising
  • Or ask for permission from the staff if it's something that you have made

!!! info Warn: "Please don't advertise in chat. Instead, privately message people if they want to know about it"

!!! warning Warn the first time, then escalate to High